Monday 7 October 2019

Ex. No. 12                                             Study of foliar, wilt and root rot diseases
Fungi imperfecti, Dust bin fungi, Anamorphic fungi, Asexual fungi, Mitosporic fungi, Residual fungi. Now recent classification point of view they are adopted mostly in Ascomycota and some are in basidiomycota.
Domain: Eukarya, Kingdom: Fungi, Division : : Ascomycota, Sub – division : Pezizomycotina, Class: Dothideomycetes, Order: Pleosporales, Family: Pleosporaceae,  Genus: Cochliobolus
Domain: Eukarya, Kingdom: Fungi, Division : : Ascomycota, Sub – division : Pezizomycotina, Class: Dothideomycetes, Order: Pleosporales, Family: Pleosporaceae,  Genus: Alternaria

Disease name
Causal Organism
Rice blast
Pyricularia oryzae
T:Magnaporthe grisea
Spindle shaped spots with grey centre and dark brown margin on leaves, nodes and internodes
Rice brown leaf spot / Sesame leaf spot
Bipolaris oryzae
T:Cochliobolus miyabeanus
Brown coloured sesame seed shaped spots on the leaves. Bengal famine (1942-1943)
Banana Sigatoka leaf spot
T: Mycosphaerella musicola
Cercospora musae
Initially spots are small, light yellow spots parallel to the side veins of leaves. Later on the spots become enlarge in size and turn brown with light gray centers.
Bhendi Cercospora leaf spot
Cercospora abelmoschi
Black colour powdery patches are appear on underside of the leaves
Sunflower Alternaria blight
Alternaria helianthi                     T: Alternaria is Lewia
Brown colour irregular spots with concentric rings are appear. The concentric rings are due to Alternaric acid – Phytotoxin
Tomato Early blight
Alternaria solani
Brown colour irregular spots with concentric rings are appear

Banana freckle leaf spot
Phyllostictina musarum
On the leaves numerous, minute dark brown raised spots with a black dots are formed

Vascular Wilts
1.       Fusarium wilt  (Tropical wilt)
Domain: Eukarya, Kingdom: Fungi, Division : : Ascomycota, Sub – division : Pezizomycotina, Class: Sordariomycetes , Order: Hypocreales, Family: Nectriaceae,  Genus: Gibberella (Fusarium sexual stage is Gibberella) (Fusarium oxysporum are not producing sexual stage)
Disease name
Causal Organism
Fusarium wilt of Tomato
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici
Yellowing and Drooping of leaves. Browning and blackening of vascular tissues are appear (Vascular discolouration). Fusarium produces macro conidia, micro conidia and Chlamydospore (resting spore).
Panama wilt of Banana
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense
Fusarium wilt of cotton
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum
Foot rot in rice
Fusarium moniliforme

2. Verticillium wilt (Temperate wilt) : Cotton Wilt – Verticiilium dahliae (Tiger stripe symptoms); Tomato Verticillium wilt – Verticillium albo atrum;  Cigar end rot of Banana – Verticillium theobromae

Aganomycetaceae / Mycelia sterlia (In general sterile fungi means Sclerotium producing fungus)
Disease name
Causal Organism
Rice sheath blight
Rhizoctonia solani
Elliptical greenish with irregular blackish brown border spots appear on the leaf sheath near the water level
Pulses root rot
Macrophomina phaseolina
Rhizoctonia bataticola
Root portions are decayed. Bark shredding symptoms are appear.
Ground nut collar rot
Sclerotium rolfsii
 Reddish brown lesions are appear on the stem near the soil level. Rotten tissues are containing brown mustard shape sclerotia
Anthracnose:  produced sunken spots
Domain: Eukarya, Kingdom: Fungi, Division : : Ascomycota, Sub – division : Pezizomycotina, Class: Sordariomycetes , Order: Glomerales, Family: Glomerellaceae,  Genus: Glomerella (Colletotrichum sexual stage is Glomerella)
Disease name
Causal Organism
Sugarcane red rot
Colletotrichum falcatum
Third or fourth leaf which withers away at the tips along the margins. Reddening of internal tissues with cross white patches. Infected field produce alcoholic odour.  
Pulses anthracnose
Colletotrichum lindemuthianum
Sunken brown coloured lesions are appear in the leaves and pods
Fruit rot of chilli
Colletotrichum capsici
A small brown to black coloured spots are appear and spots are having black dots that denotes acervuli.
Mango anthracnose
Colletotrichum  gloeosporioides
Banana anthracnose
Colletorichum musae

Life cycle of Macrophomina phaseolina / Root rot
Kingdom: Fungi ,Division: Eumycota ,Sub – division: Deuteromycotina ,Class: Deuteromycetes ,Order: Aganomycetales
Family: Aganomycetaceae ,Genus: Macrophomina,Species: phaseolina
Disease name: Pulses root rot / Dry root rot
Symptoms: Root portions are decayed. Bark shredding symptoms are appear.
Life cycle: The fungus are having two stages namely Pycnial stage and sclerotial stage.
·         Pycnial stage: Macrophomin phaseolina
·         Sclerotial stage: Rhizoctonia bataticola
·         Sclerotia are black coloured and irregular structures.
·         Infected tissues are having black coloured sclerotia like a coal.
·         The disease is otherwise called charcoal rot. soil borne in nature.
·         In dry and hot conditions the roots are infected
·         The hyphae are inter and intracellular with Septate mycelium.
·         Each Sclerotium size is 100 µ in diameter
·         Later the mycelium are enters to the xylem vessels

Live cycle of Fusarium wilt of banana / Panama wilt of Banana
Kingdom: Fungi ,Division: Eumycota ,Sub – division: Deuteromycotina ,Class: Deuteromycetes ,Order: Moniliales
Family: Tuberculariaceae ,Genus: Fusarium
Species: oxysporum f.sp. cubense
Disease name: Fusarium wilt / Panama wilt of Banana (sudden death)
1.       Yellowing of leaf blades developing as a band along the margin and spreading towards midrib.
2.       Pseudostem may show longitudinal splitting of outer leaf bases above the soil level
3.       The infected stem smells like rotten fish
Life cycle                                                                      
1.       The fungus produce macro conidia, micro conidia and Chlamydospore
2.       It is a soil borne and producing resting spore Chlamydospore (Hydrochory)
3.       The mycelium are inter and intracellular. Macro conidia are falcate shape, Microconidia are oval and Chlamydospore are globose shaped.
4.       The infection occurs through injured lateral roots
5.       After the entering they are blocking the xylem vessels (formation of gels and tyloses)
6.       Acidic soils are suitable for disease development
7.       They are producing asexual fruiting body is sporodochium

Theories are involved
1.       Tylosis: Vascular vessels mostly xylem are blocking due to wilt fungus
2.       Fusarium fungus are producing Fusaric acid (Vivotoxin)

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