Monday 7 October 2019

Ex. No. 16             Study of Angiospermic pathogens
Phanerogamic parasites / Flowering plant parasites                                                                                                           Very few plants are parasitic on other plants (like weeds). They depend upon another vascular plant for food and water. All the flowering parasites are absorbs nutrients through haustoria. The flowering parasites are divided into two based on the part of the plant infection. Among the parasites, Orobanche is a monocot which infects dicot. Remaining all are dicot plants. (High osmotic pressure, Produced Pectinolytic & Cellulolytic enzymes)
Stem parasite
                                Complete / Total/ Holo stem parasite – Cuscuta sp.
                                Partial/ Semi /Hemi stem parasite – Loranthus
Root parasite
                                Complete / Total/ Holo root parasite – Orobanche sp.
                                Partial/ Semi /Hemi root parasite – Striga sp.
Flowering parasites
Other names
Infected crops
Parasite Characters
Stimulating compound, characters
Cuscuta sp. – Total stem parasite
Cuscuta campestris
Dodder, Gold thread, Love vein, strangle weed, Amarbel
Ornamental plants, Chilli, potato, Alfalfa, fruit trees
Thread like leafless greenish white stems and flowers are white in colour
Zoochory, Hydrochory
Loranthus – Partial stem parasite
Giant mistletoe / Banda
Fruit trees
The hold fast may become as large as a tennis ball, the leaves are thickening in nature.
Transmitted through Birds excreta (desiccated seeds)
Orobanche  - Total root parasite, Trap crop – Flax/ Linseed

Broom rape, Tokra  
Tobacco, Sunflower
Annual fleshy flowering plant, pale in colour, scaly leaves without chlorophyll. The seeds size are very minute.
Benzopyran derivatives; Snap[ dragon like flowers & Shallow cup like appressoria 
Striga sp.- Partial root parasite , Trap crop – Cotton, Peanut
Witch weed
Dry land sorghum, Maize, Sugar cane
Opposite leaves and irregular flowers with a pronounced bend in the corolla tube. They are lack of root hairs and root cap.
Strigol; Bulb shaped Haustorium

Among the flowering parasites, Rafflesia arnoldii on Vitis roots is said to produce largest flower in the world.
Sandalwood is a semi root parasite & Cassytha is a stem parasite affects Citrus, Orange and Apple trees


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