Monday 7 October 2019

Ex. No. 9                                                               Study of Club fungi
Domain: Eukarya, Kingdom: Fungi, Phylum: Basidiomycota, Class: Pucciniomycetes, Order: Pucciniales; Family: Pucciniaceae
Rust: Raised reddish brown pustules appear on both the surface of the leaves ; Obligate parasite or Biotroph
Disease name
Causal Organism
Wheat Black stem rust (Late rust in India)
Puccinia  graminis f.sp. tritici  (Puccinia  tritici)
Wheat leaf orange / Brown rust (Middle rust)
Puccinia recondita (Puccinia triticina)
Wheat sheath, stripe yellow rust (Early rust)
Puccinia striiformis (Puccinia glumarum)
Cumbu / Bajra rust
Puccinia  penisetti (Puccinia  indica)
Sorghum rust
Puccinia sorghi
Ground nut rust
Puccinia arachidis
Coffee rust
Hemileia vastatrix (Wardia vastatrix)
Bean rust
Uromyces appendiculatus
Rose rust
Phragmidium mucronatum
Soybean rust
Phakospora pachyrhizi
Linseed / Flax rust
Melampsora lini
Pine blister rust
Cronortium ribicola
Cedar apple rust
Gymnosporangium juniper virginianae
Rubus orange rust
Gymnoconia pikiana
Autoecious / Homoecious rust : The fungus completes their entire life cycle within the host. E.g. Pea rust
Heteroecious  rust: The fungus required for 2 hosts for completing their life cycle. E.g. Wheat stem rust
Macrocyclic rust : The rust fungi are having 5 stages . E.g.  Wheat stem rust
Microcyclic rust: The rust fungi are having 2 stages E.g.  Jasmine rust, Chrysanthemum rust
Autoecious Macrocyclic rust : All the 5 stages of rust cycle with in the host. E.g. Sunflower, Bean, Flax rust
Heteroecious Macrocyclic rust: The rust fungus complete their life cycle purpose required 2 hosts. E.g.  Wheat, Cumbu, Sorghum rust
Demicyclic rust: the rust fungus is absence of (lack) Uredial stage. E.g. Autoecious demicyclic:  Rubus orange rust; Heteroecious demicyclic : Cedar apple rust
Alternative / Collateral / parallel host: Wild host (weed host) of the same families of main host crops. Rice brown leaf spot – Echinochloa
Alternate host: In heteroecious rust, 2 hosts are required from different families. One host is called main host and another one host is called as Alternate host.
Primary host
Alternate host
Wheat black stem rust
European barberry
Wheat brown & orange, leaf rust
Thalictrum sp. (yellow meadow rue)
Wheat yellow & sheath, stripe rust
Not known (But recently reported European Barberry)
Sorghum rust
Oxalis corniculata (creeping wood sorrel / sleeping beauty)
Cumbu rust
2 stages are Uredial and Telial
5 stages are Pycnial, Aecial, Uredial, Telial and Basidial stages

Life cycle of Ground nut rust (Autoecious / Homoecious rust)
Kingdom: Fungi ,Division: Eumycota ,Sub – division: Basidiomycotina ,Class: Basidiomycetes  ,Order: Uredinales
Family: Pucciniaceae ,Genus: Puccinia,Species: arachidis
Symptoms: The disease appears first as small oval brown pustules on lower surface of the leaves 
Life cycle:
1.        The fungus produces Uredial and Telial stages
2.       The uredospores are globose, brownish yellow in colour
3.       They have 2 germ pores,
4.       Uredospores readily become airborne and serve to disseminate the fungus. 
5.       The teliospore are round to ovate, rough thick walled with thickened apex

Life cycle of wheat stem rust (Heteroecious rust)
Kingdom: Fungi ,Division: Eumycota , Sub – division: Basidiomycotina ,Class: Basidiomycetes , Order: Uredinales
Family: Pucciniaceae , Genus: Puccinia ,Species: graminis f.sp. tritici
Alternate host – European barberry (Berberis vulgaris)
Five stages of Macrocyclic heteroecious rust (Wheat stem rust)
0 stage – Pycnial stage
1st Stage – Aecial stage
Primary host / Main host – wheat 
2nd stage – Uredial stage
3rd Stage – Telial stage
4th Stage -   Basidial stage - Inactive substrates in the Soil

Pycnial stage
Aecial stage
Uredial stage
Telial stage
Basidial stage
Sproulating structure
Aecium/ Aecidium
 (Aecial Primordia/ Protoaecium)
Uredium / Uredinium
Pycniospore/ Spermatia – Male
Receptive hypha – Female 
Aeciospore / Aecidiospore
Uredospore / Urediospore/ Repeating spore/ Uredinospore / Summer spore
Teliospore / Teleutospore/
Winter spore /
Black rust spore
Basidiospore (4)
Spore Shape
Pycnium - Flask shape
Spermatia – oval
Receptive hypha – Long flexous hypha  
Oblong, single celled, stalk like structure
Spindle / Elliptical, stalked, bicelled,
 n (Haploid)
2n (diploid)
n + n (Dikaryotic)
n + n (Dikaryotic)
n (haploid)
Hyaline, Pycnium is yellow colour due to honey dew like substances
Reddish brown
Dark brown
Stages occur in host
European barberry
European barberry
Soil (Inactive substrates, Wheat straw)
No. of germ pore
Life cycle
Basidiospore only germinated and produce on Pycnium in upper surface of barberry leaves.  Spermatization (Opposite strains are only fertile, Self strains are sterile) (Craigie, 1927 discovered the sexual stage of rust fungus)
Aecium produce on corresponding lower surface of the Barberry leaves (Cluster cup like aecia). The outer wall is called peridium.
Repeating spore. Aeciospore infect the wheat host and produce rust disease (Aeciospore germinates only on wheat & enters through stomata)
Resting spore. Teliospore germinates to produce probasidium. (Karyogamy) (At the end of season, the same uredium produced lesser no. of teliospore and higher no. of uredospore)
Among the 4 basidiospore 2 are + and 2 are – strains (Basidiospore discharges as water bubble method)

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