Monday 7 October 2019

Ex. No. 11.                              Study of Mushroom
Edible fungi
1.       Button mushroom – Agaricus bisporus
2.       Oyster mushroom – Pleurotus sp. (oyster mushroom variety Co -1 & APK – 1)
3.       Paddy straw / Chinese / Tropical mushroom – Volvariella volvacea
4.       Milky mushroom – Calocybe indica (milky mushroom variety APK 2)
5.        Shitake mushroom – Lentinus  edodes
6.       Ascomycetes mushroom – Morchella

Importance of edible mushroom
o   Mushrooms are  good source of high quality proteins
o   They are good source of Vitamins and Minerals
o   They are rich in medicinal properties Agaricus bisporus – Improves digestion , Pleurotus sp. – Beneficial in pains of muscles , Ganoderma lucidum – Anti –HIV Proteins
o   Mushrooms usually grows on different agro waste
o   Mushroom has large export potential and scope of foreign trade

Morphology of Mushroom
Spawn: The propagating material used by the mushroom growers for planting beds is called spawn.
Cap or Pileus: The thick expanded portion of the basidiocarp
Gills/ Lamellae: They are present inside the pileus
Stipe: It’s the stalk that supports the pileus
Annulus: Circular skirt like tissue
Volva: Cup like structure surrounding the base of the stalk

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