Monday 7 October 2019

Ex. No. 10.                                         Study of Smut fungi
Domain: Eukarya, Kingdom: Fungi, Phylum: Basidiomycota, Class: Ustilaginomycetes, Order: Ustilaginales; Family: Ustilaginiaceae
Smut  – Infected grains are converted into black coloured powdery mass of spores
Disease name
Causal Organism
Wheat loose smut  (Internally seed borne)
Ustilago nuda  tritici  
Onion smut
Urocystis  cepulae
Sugar cane whip smut
Ustilago scitaminea (Whip like structure)
Cumbu smut
Tolyposporium penicillariae (Moesziomyces)
Sorghum smut
Sphacelotheca sorghi

Bunt: Infected grains are converted into black coloured powdery (bunt) mass of spores (Local Pronunciation)
Disease name
Causal Organism
Wheat Karnal bunt   (Mitra, 1931)
Neovassia indica (Tilletia indica)
Karnal bunt infected fields are producing odour of rotten fish due to Trimethylamine
Rice kernel smut
Neovossia horrida
Rough spored bunt (Stinking smut)
Tilletia caries
Smooth spored bunt
Tilletia foetida
Study of Wheat loose smut life cycle
            Host                       :         Wheat
            Causal organism    :         Ustilago nuda tritici 
The smut spores are minute, olive brown, oval shape. On maturity two opposite strand nucleus are fusion and formed the diploid nucleus. Through Anemochory or insects, they smut spores are infect the stigma (flowers) and producing basidia. 

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