Thursday 24 October 2019

I need the absentees details of this theory class 

Kindly send me the yesterday Thursday practical class absentees list also 
mail id :
Sir please clamp connection its important in Basidiomycota fungi 
Sir please Crozier formation or ascus formation 
Sir please 

Wednesday 9 October 2019

My dear students, 

my part is over 
try to submit the record materials as soon as possible 

EX NO 16 

EX NO 15

Ex No 14

Ex. No.17          Study of Physiogenic diseases
Physiogenic / Physiological disorders / non parasitic diseases / Abiotic diseases / Nutritional disorders                                                           The plants are producing symptoms due to macro micro nutrient deficiencies and environmental characters. Such diseases are called as Non parasitic diseases.              

Disease name
Causal agent / deficiency
Khaira or Khera disease of rice (Y.L.Nene)
Affected leaf area become papery, necrotic and entire mass of leaves become collapses
Red leaf of cotton, Chlorosis in rice

Marginal drying of Banana

Citrus Mottling or Foliocellosis
Zn deficiency
Green chlorotic mottling
Blossom end rot of tomato
Calcium & High Temp.
Marginal Chlorosis
Wither tip of flax

Wither tip of apple, Citrus Exanthema

Whiptail of cauliflower

Black tip of mango
near brick kilns
Black heart of potato
Unfavourable oxygen conditions
Green netting of citrus

Sand drown of tobacco

Brown heart of Turnip , Top sickness of tobacco

Little leaf of apple

Pahala blight of sugar cane

My dear students
Total number of exercises are 17 

EX NO 13 

EX NO 12 

Ex No 11

Ex  No 10

Ex No 9 diagrams 

Monday 7 October 2019

Banana Fusarium wilt - Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense 
see this website useful for vector transmission 
Crown gall of Grape vine Agrobacterium vitis 

My dear Students, 

i uploaded all the exercise of our subject 
I will upload all the diagrams on Wednesday sir / madam 
Jaiganesh V

Ex. No. 16             Study of Angiospermic pathogens
Phanerogamic parasites / Flowering plant parasites                                                                                                           Very few plants are parasitic on other plants (like weeds). They depend upon another vascular plant for food and water. All the flowering parasites are absorbs nutrients through haustoria. The flowering parasites are divided into two based on the part of the plant infection. Among the parasites, Orobanche is a monocot which infects dicot. Remaining all are dicot plants. (High osmotic pressure, Produced Pectinolytic & Cellulolytic enzymes)
Stem parasite
                                Complete / Total/ Holo stem parasite – Cuscuta sp.
                                Partial/ Semi /Hemi stem parasite – Loranthus
Root parasite
                                Complete / Total/ Holo root parasite – Orobanche sp.
                                Partial/ Semi /Hemi root parasite – Striga sp.
Flowering parasites
Other names
Infected crops
Parasite Characters
Stimulating compound, characters
Cuscuta sp. – Total stem parasite
Cuscuta campestris
Dodder, Gold thread, Love vein, strangle weed, Amarbel
Ornamental plants, Chilli, potato, Alfalfa, fruit trees
Thread like leafless greenish white stems and flowers are white in colour
Zoochory, Hydrochory
Loranthus – Partial stem parasite
Giant mistletoe / Banda
Fruit trees
The hold fast may become as large as a tennis ball, the leaves are thickening in nature.
Transmitted through Birds excreta (desiccated seeds)
Orobanche  - Total root parasite, Trap crop – Flax/ Linseed

Broom rape, Tokra  
Tobacco, Sunflower
Annual fleshy flowering plant, pale in colour, scaly leaves without chlorophyll. The seeds size are very minute.
Benzopyran derivatives; Snap[ dragon like flowers & Shallow cup like appressoria 
Striga sp.- Partial root parasite , Trap crop – Cotton, Peanut
Witch weed
Dry land sorghum, Maize, Sugar cane
Opposite leaves and irregular flowers with a pronounced bend in the corolla tube. They are lack of root hairs and root cap.
Strigol; Bulb shaped Haustorium

Among the flowering parasites, Rafflesia arnoldii on Vitis roots is said to produce largest flower in the world.
Sandalwood is a semi root parasite & Cassytha is a stem parasite affects Citrus, Orange and Apple trees


Ex. No. 15.           Study of Viral, Phytoplasmal & Viroid diseases
Virus:  Virus is a transmissible, sub cellular entity which replicates only in the living cell (biotroph) and consist of nucleic acid which is typically surrounded by a protein coat.  Ex. Tobacco Mosaic Virus
Dwarfism or Stunted growth is a common symptom produced by a virus.
Vector: Insects which transmit viruses are called as vectors                    

Disease name
Causal Organism
Tobacco Mosaic
Tobacco Mosaic virus (TMV)
Stunted growth, Alternate green and yellow patches are appear
Sap transmission
Bhendi yellow vein mosaic or Bhendi Yellow vein clearing
Bhendi Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus (BYVMV)
Veinal Chlorosis
White fly –                     Bemisia tabaci
Tomato Spotted Wilt
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV)
Bronzing of veins, Leaves are reduced in size. Concentric rings and Mosaic mottling on fruits.
Thrips –                     Scirtothrips dorsalis
Chilli leaf curl
Tobacco Leaf Curl Virus (TLCV)
Curling of leaves like a boat or spoon structures
White fly - Bemisia tabaci
Chilli mosaic
Chilli mosaic virus
Stunted growth, Alternate green and yellow patches are appear. Mottling and Puckering of leaves 
Aphids – Aphis gossypii
Banana Bunchy top
Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV)
Bunchy appearance of leaves. Leaves are reduced in size and become chlorotic. They are brittle and the infected plants do not grow more than 3 feet.
Black aphid –              Pentalonia nigronervosa
Black gram leaf crinkle
Urdbean Leaf Crinkle Virus (ULCV)
Crinkling and Curling of leaves.
White fly –                     Bemisia tabaci & Aphid
Cassava Mosaic
Indian Cassava Mosaic Virus (ICMV)
Stunted growth, Alternate green and yellow patches are appear. Tuber splitting symptoms are appear.
White fly –                      Bemisia tabaci
Rice Tungro
Rice Tungro Virus (RTBV – Rice Tungro Bacilliform Virus & RTSV– Rice Tungro Spherical form Virus)
Orange yellow colour discolouration from the tips of lower leaves (Tungro – Degenerated growth)
Green Leaf Hopper – Nephotettix virescens
Pulses Mosaic
Cowpea Aphid Borne Mosaic Virus
Stunted growth, Alternate green and yellow patches are appear.
Aphid - Aphis gossypii

Phytoplasma : Mycoplasma Like Organisms (MLO) which are infect the plants called as phytoplasma. They are lack of cell wall, gram negative and sensitive to Tetracycline (Mollicutes group). 
Disease name
Causal Organism
Little leaf of Brinjal
Candidatus Phytoplasma
Small, narrow pale green colour leaves. Shortening of internodes with bushy appearance
Leaf hopper – Hishimonas phycitis
Sesame phyllody / Green flowering
Candidatus Phytoplasma
The flowers are transformed into green leaf like structure
Leaf hopper –           Orosius albicinctus

Viroid: Nucleic acid without protein coat. Viroids are transmitted through mechanical transmission.
Ex. Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (PSTVd)
Smallest Viroid : Coconut Cadang Cadang Viroid