Wednesday 25 September 2019

Ex. No. 5                                                               Study of Oomycetes fungi
Domain: Eukarya  Kingdom: Chromista / Straminopila
Division: Oomycota
Class: Oomycetes                                             Oomycetes /Straminopila (Water mould fungi)

    Order: Pythiales                                             Peronosporales                                                                       Sclerosporales

(Family)Pythiaceae                                (Family) Albuginaceae         (Family) Peronosporaceae                                                 
Damping – off                                               White rust of Amaranthus             Downy mildew        cereals Downy mildew
Late blight of Potato

Disease name
Causal Organism
Damping – off
In ginger – Rhizome rot
In Papaya – Foot rot
Pythium aphanidermatum
1.       Pre emergence damping – off : Failure of seed germination
2.       Post emergence damping – off : Dark brown lesions/ spots are formed on the collar region of the stem and affected tissues are soon become rotten condition
Previously Pythiaceae family, at present in Peronosporaceae family
Late blight of potato
Citrus gummosis, Cardamom Azhukal, Pepper Quick wilt   

Phytophthora infestans

Phytophthora sp.
Brown to black coloured water soaked lesions are formed on the tip or margin of the leaves and corresponding lower surface of the leaves, white coloured mycelial growth are appear. Potato tubers show dry rot symptoms.
Disease name
Causal Organism
White rust or White blisters of Amaranthus
Albugo bliti /                       Albugo candida 
White rust pustules appear on the lower/abaxial  surface of the leaves. It produces knob shaped Haustoria. (Obligate parasite)
Downy mildew (Obligate parasite / Biotroph) : White colour mycelial growth is appear on the lower/ abaxial surface of the leaves and corresponding upper/ adaxial surface they can produce chlorotic/ yellow spots are appear
Disease name
Causal Organism
Downy mildew of grapes
Plasmopara viticola
Fruit infection: Infected berries become harden, leathery and wrinkled (Mummified)
Downy mildew of cumbu or Green ear of cumbu
Sclerospora graminicola
Flowers are malformed into green leaf like structures
Downy mildew of sorghum or Sorghum leaf shredding
Sclerospora sorghi
The leaves are converted into thread like structures
Downy mildew of maize or Crazy top of Maize
Peronosclerospora sorghi
Malformed flower buds are called as Crazy top  
Lettuce downy mildew
Bremia lactucae
Downy mildew of cucurbits
Pseudoperonospora cunbensis
Tobacco blue mould
Peronospora tabacina
Downy mildew of ornamental plants (aster)
Basidiophora endospora
Downy mildew of Impatiens
Bremiella sphaerosperma

Life cycle of Pythium aphanidermatum                        
Taxonomic position
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Eumycota
Class: Oomycetes
Order: Peronosporales
Family: Pythiaceae
Genus: Pythium
Species: aphanidermatum
Disease name: Damping – off / Seedling rot
Anamorphic stage:
1.       The hyphae are both intercellular and intracellular and there is no Haustoria are produced.
2.       The sporangia are globose and are produced terminal or intercalary on the hyphae.
3.       The sproangiophore consists of sporangia with a bubble like structure called as vesicle.
4.       On maturity the vesicular wall is burst out like a soap bubble and the zoospores are released.
5.       The zoospores are asexual spore, kidney shaped and has two lateral flagella. (Whiplash & tinsel).
6.       After, Zoospores comes to rest, encyst and germinates by germ tube.
Teleomorphic stage:
1.       Paragynous antheridium, the Oogonium is globose with a multinucleate oosphere surroundly by a layer of periplasm and the antheridium is a club shaped.
2.       Upon gametangial contact, a fertilization tube develops fertilization tube develops and penetrates the oogonial wall and the periplasm,
3.       In the mean time, meiosis has taken place in both the gametangia. The male nucleus now passes through the tube into the oosphere, approaches the female nucleus, unites and forms the zygote.
4.       Oosphere develops into a thick walled oospore and it germinates after undergoing a rest period.
Life cycle of Phytophthora infestans                            
Taxonomic position
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Eumycota
Class: Oomycetes
Order: Peronosporales
Family: Pythiaceae
Genus: Phytophthora
Species: infestans
Disease name: Late blight of potato
Mitosporic stage:
1.       The Sporangiophores are symboidally branched and hyaline multinucleate lemon shaped papillate sporangia are produced.
2.       In the presence of water the sporangium germinates either by a germ tube or zoospore formation.
3.       After the zoospores are comes to rest they encyst and germinates produces by germ tube, produces an Appressorium.
4.       After penetrating the germ tube develops into a profusely branched, hyaline, Coenocytic, intercellular mycelium and haustoria are produced. 
5.       Low temperature favours zoospore production and high temperature favours germ tube formation.
Meiosporic stage:
1.       heterothallic fungus, the oogonia penetrates ad grow through the antheridium and form a globose structure above the antheridium (Amphigynous antheridia)
2.       Both gametes are multinucleate are initially, but they mature only a single nucleus is left that probably undergoes meiosis before fertilization.
3.       Migration of the male nucleus occurs through the oogonial wall and fusion takes place and after a rest period of several weeks the oospore germinates and produces sporangium.
Sporangiophore characters of Peronosporaceae  
1.       Basidiophora
2.       Sclerospora
3.       Plasmopara
4.       Peronospora & Pesudoperonospora
5.       Bremia
6.       Bremiella
Basidiophora: The Sporangiophore is club shaped with swollen head over which the sporangia are borne.                               Ex. Basidiophora entospora
Sclerospora: The Sporangiophore is long, stout with upright branches bearing sporangia at the tips.
Ex. Sclerospora graminicola
Plasmopara : Sporangiophore branched at right angles with blunt tips. Ex. Plasmopara viticola
Peronospora & Pseudoperonospora : The sporangiophores are dichotomously branched on which sporangia are borne singly. Ex. Peronospora destructor & Pseudoperonospora cunbensis
Bremia: They are similar to Peronospora except the tip of branches are cup shape with four sterigmata from which sporangia are borne. Ex. Bremia lactucae
Bremiella : Tip of its branches inflated into bulbous apophysis. Ex. Bremiella sp.

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