Monday 12 August 2019

My dear Students

This is foe Wednesday theory class sir 

Kindly take the print out for these 4 pages 

Make  a diagram in Black board
Just inform to that boy
I already given the money to him
please do it Gentle man or Gentle Women of PQ Batch students 

Saturday 10 August 2019

Sugar cane sett rot / Pineapple disease in sugarcane - Synnema producing fungus 

Sugarcane red rot - Colletotrichum falcatum - Acervuli producing fungus
Cotton Fusarium wilt - Sporadic disease - Sporodochium producing fungus 
Banana Freckle leaf spot - Phyllostictina musarum - Pycnidium producing fungus 
Synnema - Longest Conidiophore; Birds feather like structure E.g. Ceratocystis 

Acervuli - Black colour sterile structure - setae E.g. Colletotrichum 

Pycnidium - Banana Freckle leaf spot 

Friday 2 August 2019

Circular satellite RNA
circular single-stranded RNA(s) dependent on viruses for replication and encapsidation

Rolling circle replication 

Naked ssRNA Plant Pathogen
NA devoid of protein coat
2 types of Viorid families are Avsunviroidae & Pospiviroidae
Replicated with the enzyme is ?
Viroids are classified based on CCR (Central Conserved Region)
Smallest viroid – Coconut Cadang Cadang viroid (Monocot viroid) (247 nt)
Largest viroid – Chrysanthemum Chlorotic Mottle viroid  (401 nt)
First Viroid – Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid  (357 nt)


Nucleocapsid / Virions
Capsid / Capsomeres
NA % - 5-40 %
Capsid – 60 – 95 %
Elongated virus – Low NA
Spherical virus – High NA
The functions of NA and Protein
Viruses are having either DNA or RNA
But Rice Tungro disease is caused by both DNA and RNA
Davis and Worley
Corn stunt – Spiroplasma kunkelii
Poached egg or fired egg appearance
The size of the Sprioplasma ranges from 100 to 240 nm
Reproduce by Binary fission 


Doi et al., Ishie et al.,  Mulberry dwarf
Reproduced by Binary fission and budding
Size is 175 – 250 nm
Sensitive to Tetracycline
Resistant to Penicillin
Lipoprotein membrane thickness 10 nm
Total amino acids are 10
Poached egg or fried egg appearance with central nipple colonies
Present in Phloem cells because of sterol

Indian Cassava Mosaic Virus 

Geminivirus – ssDNA

White fly
Bemisia tabaci
Tubers are splitting

Thursday 1 August 2019

Zygospore - Brown to black in colour, diploid, resting spore 
Oospore - Orange yellow colour, double celled, thick walled, resting spore, diploid, outer wall is called exine and inner wall is called as intine 

Ex.No. 3                                              Sexual reproduction in Fungi
Sexual reproduction in fungi results in the union of two different nuclei. The sex organs of fungi are called as gametangia and sex cells are known as gametes. Male gamentagium is called antheridium and female gamentagium is called Oogonium. The process of sexual reproduction involves three phases.
1. Plasmogamy 2. Karyogamy 3. Meiosis                      
Plasmogamy: Fusion of two protoplasm                                                                                        
Karyogamy: Fusion of two nuclei                                                         
 Meiosis: Reduction division                                                                                                                 
Types of Plasmogamy:                                                                                                                                                            Planogametic copulation: Motile gametes are generally called as Planogametes. It involves the fusion of two gametes of which at least one must be motile. Three types of Planogametic copulation: Isogamy, Anisogamy and Heterogamy                                                                
Isogamy: Fusion of male and female gametes is same shape and size (Ex. Synchytrium sp.)
Anisogamy: Fusion of male and female gametes is morphologically similar but different in size. Ex. Allomyces.
Heterogamy: Fusion of male and female gametes is different size and shape (Ex. Many higher fungi)         Gametangial contact: This involves fusion of two gametangia which are morphologically different with undifferentiated protoplasm, each having one nucleus for fusion though may come in contact with each other. Ex. Through pore / hole : Pythium; Through fertilization tube: Ascomycetes                           
Gametangial copulation: The difference from the gametangial contact lies in only passing the entire contents of one gametangium to another gametangium instead of passage of only the nuclei. It occurs in two ways. Ex. Chytridiomycetes                                                                           
Spermatization: Puccinia fungi produce numerous, non motile Uninucleate spore are called Spermatia. They are behaving like male gametes and fusion with female gametes namely receptive hypha. 
Somatogamy: Fusion between somatic cells is called Somatogamy. Ex. Ascomycetes    
Sexual spores of fungi    : 1. Diploid resting spore (Ex. Oospore, Zygospore); 2. Haploid non resting spore (Ex. Ascospore, Basidiospore)      
Oospore: Oomycetes class of fungi producing sexual spore is called as Oospore. They are orange yellow colour, double celled, thick walled, resting spore and diploid. The outer most wall is called as exine and inner most wall is called as intine with a central oil globule. Ex. Pythium, Phytophthora
Zygospore: Zygomycetes class of fungi producing sexual spore is called as Zygospore. They are diploid, black in colour, spherical and resting spore. Ex. Rhizopus
Ascospore: Ascomycetes class of fungi producing spore is called as ascospore. They are hyaline, haploid and non resting spore. It is generally born in a specialized sexual structure called as ascus. Ascus is a bag like structure which contains eight number of ascospore. Ex. Erysiphe                                                          Basidiospore: Basidiomycetes class of fungi producing sexual spore is called as Basidiospore. They are hyaline and haploid non resting spore. It is generally born in a specialized sexual structure called as Basidium. Basidium is a club shaped with four sterigma (sterigmata – supporting organ) on which four basidiospores are produced. Ex. Mushroom
Sexual fruiting bodies of fungi:  Ascocarp and Basidiocarp
Ascocarp / Ascoma: Ascomycetes class of fungi producing sexual spore is called ascocarp. Types of ascocarp are Cleistothecium, Perithecium, Apothecium and Naked Asci. 
Cleistothecium: It is a globose, completely closed ascocarp in which asci are arranged. The fruiting body wall is called peridium consists of pseudoparenchymatous and the outer hyphal growth called mycelial appendages. Ex. Erysiphe                                                                                                                  
Perithecium: It is a flask shaped structure which consists of narrow opening called ostiole. Perithecium consists of periphysis and paraphysis. Periphysis is the short hair on the side of ostiole. Paraphysis is a sterile hair arises in between ascus. Ex. Claviceps                                    
Apothecium: It is an opened ascocarp. It is a saucer shaped and arrangements of asci are called as hymenium.  Ex. Peziza sp.                                                                                                                                         Naked asci: There is no fruiting bodies are formed. Only ascus or asci are formed on the epidermal cells of the host. Ex. Taphrina deformans
Basidiocarp / Basidioma: Basidiomycetes class of fungi producing sexual fruiting body is known as Basidiocarp. Basidium is a sexual structure of Basidiomycetes, which contains four basidiospores. Ex. Mushroom